Project Management Templates

$US 0.00
This checklist should be used by the Project Manager for all ICT projects to provide a record of decisions about how the project will be managed and the level of documentation that will be maintained. It is a checklist of many possible Governance and project managemen..
$US 0.00
A template to assist with describing your project as part of the Project Definition Phase ..
$US 1.00
A comprehensive template to assist you to document and scope your project. The purpose of this plan is to define the scope of the project by: Defining the deliverables Naming the people and resources required to complete the Deliver phase. Allocati..
$US 0.00
The purpose of this Project Charter is to provide: Confirmation of the initial mandate received for this project and to whom it is granted (i.e. the key project team members). Clarification of the mandate received – the objectives and areas impact..
$US 0.00
A simple Project Status Report template to assist with the tracking of your projects.   ..
$US 0.00
The purpose of this document is to define the scope and approach that will be taken in testing for the OCS - Lync Migration project. It provides direction for the project, on how testing is to be planned and executed and is the governance document for all testing and veri..
$US 0.00
This template is used for the conduct of a project risk review by an independent reviewer e.g. a member of the Project Management Office. The template is completed by the person conducting the project review ..
$US 0.00
The purpose of this Project Brief is to detail the objectives, scope and deliverables of the project. This document functions as a major communications tool for all project stakeholders and third party participants that will be assisting the company to deliver this projec..
$US 0.00
The purpose of this document is to describe how the overall project is to be undertaken in terms that are clearly understood by those that participate and by those that have a stake in its success. It assists in the coordination of activities and helps to set common ..
Project Management Templates

From project initiation to benefits realization, you can find a template on the Consulting Cloud website.

A project management template is a useful tool that's used for a wide variety of projects and stages in the lifecycle. Consulting Cloud is dedicated to providing the most up to date and relevant templates that will support and document the results of the process.
Project Management Templates provided by Consulting Cloud allow for succinct and relevant information to be added into a template, where it is suitable and correct. The examples provide an effective outline, and spaces are left so the document can be tailored for the specific assignment.


These are some of the Project Management Templates you will find on the Consulting Cloud website: Project brief template - a template to document the brief of a project, Communication Plan templates - templates that ensure that there is effective communications about the project to the various stakeholder groups, Solution Development template - defines your solution development methodology, Quality Management template - describes how quality will be managed in the project , Use Case template - to assist wit testing, Project Support Plan template - describes how the solution will be supported , Test Plan template - a comprehensive plan to test your application, Implementation Plan template - defining the project deliverables, Scope Management Plan template - describes how the project scope will be managed, Project Status Reporting Templates - outling the project status including timeframe and cost, Project Organization Structure templates - how will the project be structured and resources required, Project Acquisition template - how will the project be managed and the level of documentation that will be maintained , Post Implementation Review template - documenting the review outcomes after the project has been implemented, Project Concept template , Project Definition template - describing the project . There are also documents related to Project Governance including a Guide to Project Management. This guide covers all aspects of Project Management including critical success factors. Here is an excerpt from the section covering the crtical success factors of a project.

There are usually five “critical rules” which apply to the management of Vendor managed projects and they all relate to “communication”. Equally these same rules can be applied to any project.

Critical Rule No. 1  - Maintain an effective relationship with the Client through ongoing, frequent and positive communication. Whilst in the most difficult situations you should be firm with the Client, it is essential to be sensitive to the Client environment and to maintain a balanced approach to Client related issues and politics. Involvement in the latter is to be avoided.  

Critical Rule No. 2 – Constantly talk to your project team. You should keep the project team informed of progress and provide opportunities for the team for two-way communication and for their issues to be listened to and dealt with.

Critical Rule No. 3 - Highlight problems and issues when they arise and escalate unresolved problems and issues to the appropriate people, e.g. the Client, Client Relationship Manager and/or PMO. Wave the red flag as soon as a major issue arises that puts either the project or your company's reputation at risk.

Critical Rule No. 4 - Ask for help. Most vendor organizations have the resources to assist with resolution of problems. Asking for help is not a signal of failure but a pro-active step to resolve a project, or commercial issue.

Critical Rule No. 5 – Always follow the project management principles and practice embodied in this document and implement appropriate quality processes, taking responsibility for the quality of deliverables and, where applicable, supporting any quality accreditation process. Respond positively to requests for information from senior management and the Project Management Office.

The guide also talks about the importance of Risk Management Plan. An effective Risk Management Plan describes the risks, the current assessment, the current likelihood that the risk will eventuate, the actions being taken to mitigate the risk and contingency plans if the risk becomes reality. Risk Management Plans should be reviewed, updated and distributed as part of the project’s standard reporting procedures. Review of the Risk Management Plan should be a standing agenda item in the main project meetings, especially project steering committee meetings and project meetings with the Client project manager.

The Consulting Cloud website also contains an overview of Prince 2 for the beginner.

Consulting Cloud is an organization that strongly believes that an online service, offering reusable consulting templates and samples, is a must in today's busy world. No longer should people have to spend lots of money on documents that can be provided online, and can be provided at a small cost. Consulting Cloud is taking advantage of the online world and is providing a website that is full of in-depth consulting material. Project management templates are a useful tool and can save a business a lot of time, money and stress when it comes to management. Simply search for the template that best suits your needs, and stage, in the project lifecycle. Select your choice, purchase online and the template is all yours. The examples on the website are easy to edit, personalise and then make your own.

Project management templates are available, and are a valuable guide for users to deliver in-depth analysis. Consulting Cloud will invariably save your business time, money and stress. Invest in an appropriate template that is suitable for your business, lifecycle stage and tailor it to fit.


Experts in the field of consulting, and focused on online consulting and templates, Consulting Cloud is a website that can be used over and over for different companies, in different industries, at different stages in the lifecycle. A project management template can be used, and can save a company, time, money and hassle. With the expertly developed project management examples on the website, it is easy to search for the appropriate template, purchase, and then tailor with the correct information. The templates can be reused over and over, and the money and time you and your company can save is well worth it. Business's have enough going on in the day to day, so let Consulting Cloud assist. The samples are clearly formatted, with headings and details on how and what to fill the blanks in with.