
$US 1.00
A Schedule of Service Levels for an Outsourced or Shared Services contract. Also helpful in developing Service Levels. Useful link (Outsourcing Center) Ten key questions for developing Service Level Agreements   ..
$US 1.00
A comprehensive Schedule of Service Levels for an Outsourcing or Shared Services contract. Also helpful in developing Service Levels. Useful link (Outsourcing Center) Ten key questions for developing Service Level Agreements   ..
$US 1.00
A document outling high level Service Levels for an Outsourced or Shared Services organization.     ..
$US 1.00
A traffic light based Service Delivery report.     ..
$US 1.00
A template to assist with the development of Operational Level Agreements .  The purpose of this document is to identify the protocols for communication, responsibilities and call routing between the Service Desk and << Resolver Team Name>> to support..
$US 1.00
 A comprehensive Service Delivery Report sample.       ..
$US 0.00
A generic template to assist with the dvelopment of Service Level Packages for your organisation.     ..
$US 1.00
A comprehensive Service Level Report for an Outsourced or Shared Services operation.   ..

IT Job Descriptions and – Key Results Areas. A comprehensive selection of Information Technology Job Descriptions and KRAs across most functions of an Information Technology operation. Read More....

The IT Job Descriptions available cover management, technical and administrative positions for a typical Information Technology function. Consulting Cloud is dedicated to assisting IT operations to perform their functions more effectively and efficiently.

We have therefore made most of the IT Job Description Templates free of charge.

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