

Products tagged "Service Catalog"

$US 1.00
A sample Service Catalog for an IT,  Outsourced or Shared Services organization. Purpose of the document The Service Catalog describes the services provided by ICT Delivery Services (IDS) to the Customer.  The aim of the catalog is to give greater visibi..
$US 1.00
A Sample Service Catalog for an IT,  Outsourced or Shared Services organisation.         ..
$US 1.00
A Sample Service Catalog for an IT,  Outsourced or Shared Services organisation. The services catalog describes the services provided by Shared Services (SS)  to the Company X.  The aim of the catalog is to give greater visibility to the servi..
$US 1.00
A Sample Service Catalog for an IT, Outsourced or Shared Services organization. The purpose of this Vendor X Service Catalog is to define the services, prices and ordering details that Vendor X can provide to its customers. The Service Catalog attempts to describe..
$US 1.00
A list of possible services to assist you with the development of your own Service Catalog.     ..
$US 1.00
A list of possible services to assist you with the development of your own Service Catalog. Includes component services.         ..
$US 1.00
A list of possible services to assist you with the development of your own Service Catalog.   ..