

Products tagged "FREE"

$US 0.00
Contains : Strategic Initiatives, Operations and Support, Team Interactions, Leadership and Human Resources       ..
$US 0.00
Contains : Strategic Initiatives, Operations and Support, Team Interactions, Leadership and Human Resources   ..
$US 0.00
Contains : Strategic Initiatives, Operations and Support, Team Interactions, Leadership and Human Resources   ..
$US 0.00
Contains : Strategic Initiatives, Operations and Support, Team Interactions, Leadership and Human Resources     ..
$US 0.00
Contains : Strategic Initiatives, Operations and Support, Team Interactions, Leadership and Human Resources   ..
$US 0.00
An "real life" appraisal of a Senior Executive of a large Outsourcing and Systems Integration Vendor. The person being appraised is running a large team of people in a strategic account for the Vendor. The appraisal has inputs from both the appraisee and appraisor review...
$US 0.00
A template with a suggested format for performance appraisals. The template covers: Identifying and describing job functions and relating them to Company X key business objectives Giving and receiving feedback Developing realistic and appropriate perfo..
$US 0.00
A simple spreadsheet to capture identified risks during a project.   ..
$US 0.00
A useful Powerpoint presentation outling a process for customer engagement for an Outsourced or Shared Services organization.   ..