IT Charter | roles and responsibilities of IT | IT functional areas | IT Department structure | IT Department description

Charters for IT organizations

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This charter outlines a typical Shared Services organization's commitment to its customers and other stakeholders in providing the designated services. It would be very useful to any organization contemplating setting up a Shared Services function within their organizatio..
$US 1.00
The purpose of this document is to describe the objectives, key functions and structure within the Managed Services Unit of VENDOR X.    The document is structured so that the overall Managed Services objectives, structure and key functions are pre..
$US 0.00
This Charter is oriented toward a Managed Services Vendor supplying technical services to the market. It also could be useful for an in-house technical services department. It outlines objectives, responsibilities organization. It outlines the objectives and responsibilit..
$US 0.00
The purpose of this document is to outline the model used for identifying the areas of responsibility and operational interaction within the Infrastructure services team.  The intended audience should be able to obtain the following information from this document; ..
Charters for IT organizations

An IT Charter Definition: "an official agreement that provides guidelines and rules for something"

A charter is a document that is developed in a group setting to clarify team direction while establishing boundaries. It is developed early during the forming of the team. The charter should be developed in a group session to encourage understanding and buy-in. Consulting Cloud has developed IT Charters for specific IT functions within a typical organization. 

The contents of the charters varies but they include team purpose, required commitment, scope, members, desired end result (outcome required) and deliverables.